When you share the same ideas and opinions with someone else you build a rapport. A mutual understanding is formed and it’s easier to predict what that person would or wouldn’t agree with or approve of. In business the same principal stands. When a company has clear values that all employees share a sense of unity is formed and decision making becomes more streamlined.

Why Company Values Matter

As the competition for talent increases employers are no longer just looking for someone with the right skills, they also want someone who authentically fits in with their company culture and their existing employees. But how can a company tell if their newest hire will align?

Company values can be incredibly useful during the interview process to ascertain whether a perspective employee will or won’t fit in. To accurately predict a cultural fit use role playing, assess previous jobs and use psychometric tests.

If they don’t, it’s unlikely they’ll prosper or stay put long-term. Within a company, when clear values are written down they can act as a guide for employees. Values help employees make decisions and gives a guideline for general acceptable behaviour.

When values are implemented correctly employees are also made more accountable for their actions. FinTrU CEO Darragh McCarthy states… “We are very focused on being as successful as we possibly can, without compromising our principles. We have a very clearly defined set of values at FinTrU: Partnership; Passion; People, and Professionalism.”

To be effective company values must be specific and authentic and they must be reiterated. If values are just written down and never mentioned staff won’t act with them in mind. Darragh McCarthy suggests… “We hold town hall meetings at least once every quarter. There is also an informality about the company and how we communicate internally. I know everyone’s first name. I speak to everyone. In this company, no one is just a number. I think it is very important that everyone feels empowered and I try to empower people more and more to ultimately treat this company as their own and behave like owners.” Worse still if values are clear and ignored they can create a cynical atmosphere and alienate employees.

Another good way to encourage employees to embrace company values is to offer positive feedback when employees demonstrate the company values. FinTrU CEO Darragh McCarthy demonstrates the value of recognition…”At the end of each year, when we go through the process of rewarding and recognising our people, we look at how they have “lived” these values. It’s very clear that everyone in the organisation identifies where they are going and what they want to achieve.”

Values drive the attitudes and behaviours of employees while giving workers a unified sense of purpose. Overall values will make you and your employees happier at work.